Armath Program

Behind The Scenes At Beyond


“Armath” is a Youth Engineering Club-laboratory Program for 8+ to 18+ year old children to enable the rising generation gain engineering skills.

The 2 year extra curricula program, designed with technology guidance from MIT USA, stared in Armenia in 2014 and currently running in more than 300 schools with sponsorships from renowned partners like HSBC Bank, Save the Children, World Vision, PicsArt, UCom along with Armenian Government

Major components that are taught in these
stages are,

– Programming Language logic with Scratch & Kria Interfaces

– Design, Programming for Robotics

– 2D, 3D modelling, working with 3D Printers & Computer controlled CNC machines

– Design, assembling, configuration and calibration, piloting,troubleshooting and maintenance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) (Advanced level. 3rd year)

Setting Up Labs

Schools will provide the Lab room, Furniture, and basic IT setup (PC, UPS, Projector, Internet facility etc), general security and maintenance services.

DIP Foundation will provide the additional advanced equipments and will provide the Curriculum, Training Documentation, and manage the program with assistance from Armath Team, Armeni

Schools will provide the Lab room, Furniture, and basic IT setup (PC, UPS, Projector, Internet facility etc), general security and maintenance services.

DIP Foundation will provide the additional advanced equipments and will provide the Curriculum, Training Documentation, and manage the program with assistance from Armath Team, Armeni

The entire facility is designed to support 20 Kids simultaneously learning and working on different tools. Each Armath Lab will consist of – 



Aygestan (modified Raspberry Pi) 20
Personal Computers 20
School Educational Robot Kit 5
Educational computer numerical control (CNC) 3
Educational 3D Printer 3

Armath Global Reach

The program, started in 2014 in Armenia by Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE), is currently running in 280+ schools and have more than 7500 students. By the end of 2019, number of Armath Labs will be more than 600 where 284 will be funded by Government and 290 by Private Massachusetts Institute of Technology’ (MIT) and other reputable institutions collaborated with UATE, Armenia to develop the curriculum of the Advanced Technology Engineering (Armath) Club-Laboratories. The Labs received sponsorship of renowned IT and Telecom companies and reputable donors such as HSBC Bank, Save the Children, World Vision and others in Armenia. In addition, the government of Armenia supported the implementation and mainstreaming of the Labs in Armenia.

DIP Foundation has exclusive partnership of Armath Labs in Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh, Armath is also working with representatives from Mongolia, Ethiopia, Namibia, Lebanon, China, France, India, Russia, Afghanistan, Morocco.

Similar programs in other parts of the world

The Armath program, started in 2008 in Armenia by Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE), is currently running in 280+ schools and have more than 7500 students. The tested program has won the “Sustainable Growth” nomination at WITSA Global Excellence Award Ceremony. Armath is no doubt the first and most comprehensive nationwide Advanced engineering lab of its kind in the world.

DIP Foundation has exclusive partnership of Armath Labs in Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh, Armath is also working with representatives from Mongolia, Ethiopia, Namibia, Lebanon, China, France, India, Russia, Afghanistan, Morocco.

All the countries with the best NRI index recognize that a clear policy for the development of science, technology, engineering specializations and mathematical (STEM) potential is the main path to achieve knowledge-based economy development.

– Singapore recently launched similar STEM program to be rolled out in all of its public schools.

– The European Schoolnet organization, established by the Ministries of Education of 31 European countries, has launched a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program, with a primary goal to create a base of future professionals for science and technology development.

Similar Initiative in Bangladesh

Schools will provide the Lab room, Furniture, and basic IT setup (PC, UPS, Projector, Internet facility etc), general security and maintenance services.

DIP Foundation will provide the additional advanced equipments and will provide the Curriculum, Training Documentation, and manage the program with assistance from Armath Team, Armeni

Schools will provide the Lab room, Furniture, and basic IT setup (PC, UPS, Projector, Internet facility etc), general security and maintenance services.

DIP Foundation will provide the additional advanced equipments and will provide the Curriculum, Training Documentation, and manage the program with assistance from Armath Team, Armeni

The entire facility is designed to support 20 Kids simultaneously learning and working on different tools. Each Armath Lab will consist of – 

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