Education For The Next Generation

We Provide The Most Comprehensive STEAM Curriculum in Bangladesh Through Our Dip-Tech Steam Lab Program 

Welcome to DIP Foundation

Development Innovation Platform (DIP) Foundation is Social Enterprise which specializes in providing children ages 8 and above with the latest educational content in the Information Technology (IT) sectors taking place in the developed world. Our aim is to nurture children from a young age so that they can acquire the right foundation to develop their career and business skills in the right direction.

Your Child Future is in Your Hand

Today mostly traditional subjects are still
taught with the hope that they will provide the right foundation for your child. Too much emphasis is placed on getting good grades through memorization without focusing on creativity and actual learning. Whereas, education itself is now more dependent upon technologies like the Internet, Computers, Smartphones and Software applications. Future is revolving around these concepts as they create more opportunities for job seekers. Businesses and Governments are increasingly putting more emphasis on hiring people with IT skill set. Make the right choice. Give them the opportunity to
develop relevant skills in information technology at the earliest.

Why Learn Information Technology

There are several reasons why school and college-going children should learn technology alongside traditional subjects. Here are a few key benefits:

  •  Technology literacy: In today’s digital age, technology is pervasive in almost every aspect of our lives. By learning technology, students develop essential skills and knowledge to navigate and use technology effectively. This includes understanding basic computer operations, using software applications, coding, and digital communication. Technology literacy is crucial for success in higher education and the workplace.
  • Future job opportunities: The job market is rapidly evolving, and technological skills are in high demand across various industries. By learning technology at an early age, students gain a competitive edge and enhance their future career prospects. Proficiency in technology-related skills such as programming, data analysis, and digital marketing can open up a wide range of job opportunities.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Technology education encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. When working on technology projects, students often face challenges that require them to think creatively and find innovative solutions. These skills are transferable to other subjects and real-life situations, fostering a deeper understanding of complex problems and the ability to devise effective solutions.

How DIPF Can Help Reshape
Your Child’s Future

DIP Foundation offers the solutions to parents worried about their child’s future by providing their children with content that is relevant for their future development in the right direction.

1. We provide children with the tools to develop their mind so that by the time they graduate from High School they have the right skill set to start their own businesses or get employment directly. This is a great opportunity for a section of the children with parents who cannot afford to pay further for their education. {University education becomes optional if the child wishes to avail it}
2. On completion of the courses that we offer your child will have a clear understanding of what path to pursue for higher education. They will earn an edge over others in the selection process of any educational institution home and abroad.

Technologies Under 4IR

Artificial Intelligence

Augmented Reality



Internet of things


Virtual Reality

3-D Printing

DIP Foundation

Development Innovation Platform or DIP Foundation is a Social Enterprise registered in Bangladesh, with mission to promote innovation in the field of technology, advancement in policy and business practices and assist Government initiative in making Bangladesh ready in the context of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).

DIP Foundation is one of the foremost pioneers to promote Advanced Technology related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 / 4IR) in Bangladesh, which includes Software components, Robotics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and other Advanced Technologies

Advanced Technology Engineering Laboratories (Armath)

“Armath” is a youth engineering Club-laboratory Program for 10-18 year old children to enable the rising generation gain engineering skills, specifically in Programming, 2D, 3D Modelling and Printing as well as in Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The program, started in 2014 in Armenia by Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE), is currently running in 280+ schools and have more than 7500 students. By the end of 2019 number of Armath Labs will be more than 600 where 284 will be funded by Government and 290 by Private.

Armath Engineering Lab and its Global Partnerships

‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology’ (MIT) and other reputable institutions collaborated with UATE, Armenia to develop the curriculum of the Advanced Technology Engineering (Armath) Club-Laboratories. The Labs received sponsorship of renowned IT and Telecom companies and reputable donors such as HSBC Bank, Save the Children, World Vision and others in Armenia. In addition, the government of Armenia supported the implementation and mainstreaming of the Labs in Armenia. DIP Foundation has exclusive partnership of Armath Labs in Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh, Armath is also working with representatives from India, Mongolia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Russia.

Our Awesome partners

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